Client Testimonials

Medical Billing & RCM Services icon
"Our doctors really like pMD! It's easy for them to use and they love the ability to communicate directly with our billers about patient visits. For the staff, pMD has really streamlined our processes and made our work much easier!”
Gerilyn Domingo, Gulf Coast Medical Group - Plastics, Florida
Plastic Surgery
"I’m excited to start using pMD! It’s an intuitive app, and I’m impressed with how quickly it works. I can’t believe we used spreadsheets for so long. The video message feature is awesome! I’m excited to be able to send photos and videos to other specialists and colleagues securely."
Hospitalist, Yakima, Washington
Pediatric Hospitalists
"From adding patients to posting charges, pMD is so easy to use and navigate throughout. The system itself is the best I've used and the pMD staff are great! Everyone is so friendly and helpful."
Yesenia Ramirez, Cardiology Consultants, PC, Arizona
"I'm very impressed with the pMD tech! It's clean and it's made my life easier. I like being able to communicate with the other providers in a way that’s HIPAA-compliant."
Dr. Gorby Leon, Family Health Center, Georgia
Hospitalists/Internal Medicine
"pMD has excellent customer service! The support team was so helpful in getting our messaging groups and providers up and running quickly. pMD is always available to answer our questions and has such a quick turnaround time!"
Ashley Hanson, New West Physicians, Colorado
Primary Care
"I appreciate the availability and service pMD provides along with the speed and efficiency of response from the team for the very rare times that I do have a problem. pMD helps me keep track of my charges and organize my day."
Eric Lee, Adventist Health - Cardiology, California
“pMD is definitely very easy to use for rounding and billing. Coming from not knowing what to expect, learning that I can have all my patient handoff and charges done quickly through an app on my phone is great!”
Nicole Prianti, NP, Peconic Bay Medical Center - Palliative Care, New York
Palliative Care
"pMD makes it so quick and easy to capture hospital charges. It has made our providers and our department more efficient. pMD also has an excellent customer service department."
Stephanie Korpaczewski, Cardiology Consultants, PC, Arizona
"The "Find Missing Charges" tool in pMD is very helpful. It's an extra layer of security for me and my coding team to ensure that we don't miss any charges in cases where a provider gets too busy to enter, update and approve a visit for a patient."
Gloria Jueneman, Alaska Heart Institute, LLC
“pMD is very user friendly and easy to use. All the required MIPS information is presented in a straightforward fashion and this makes it simple to keep up-to-date with the latest quality of care standards!”
Ella Ashurova, NP, Progressive Care Solutions, New York
Geriatrics/Long-Term Care
"pMD support, everyone I work with, always has a prompt response and is willing to help! It’s like having a breath of fresh air, knowing they're on the other end of the email!"
Kristy Mahone, Hughston Clinic - Trauma, Georgia
Trauma Surgery
"Getting on board with pMD was great. The app is very user friendly. I've worked with the Epics and Cerners, and this is the best charge capture app I've ever used."
Dr. Obinna Awaji, Platinum Hospitalists, LLP, Nevada
Hospitalists/Internal Medicine
"My experience with pMD has been amazing. Excellent staff that is willing to help immediately. Every pMD employee is wonderful, they took time to help and guide me through the improvement quality activities. They also reviewed my 2019 activities to make sure I am doing it correctly. pMD definitely saves time and organized my practice."
Dr. Ahmed Jaradat, Ahmed Jaradat MD PLLC, Nevada
Hospitalists/Internal Medicine
"pMD's been super easy. It's very convenient. I'm often able to do the inpatient billing between patients while rounding in the hospitals, and surgical billing after each case. Compared to where I was before, we used to do all the building at the end of the month and it's so hard to capture revenue properly when you do it that way"
Dr. Arvind Bakhru, Ironwood Physicians, P.C., Arizona
“That was easy! I like how the pMD app pulls forward diagnosis codes to the next day; it saves me time on my charges. The app is also really simple to navigate.”
Dr. Janette Thames, Baptist (FL) Behavioral Health, Florida
Behavioral Health
"I want to share how wonderful pMD is to work with. I have been delighted with how much easier this process is and always share how much I love pMD in my physician meetings!"
Kathy Kemle, PA, Family Health Center, Georgia
Hospitalists/Internal Medicine
"I love that the diagnosis codes in pMD are so customizable! It’s awesome that I’m able to go in and tweak the code names to what the doctors are used to, making it super easy for them to find what they’re looking for. It was a HUGE time saver and has even improved the doctors’ coding accuracy. Those are really big wins, and I can’t do that in the other systems we use.”
Sherryle Givens, Cardiology Associates of Mobile, Alabama
"pMD is so easy to use! It would be awesome if everything were this easy. The fact that I can set up charges for my doctor to be able to review and approve with the touch of a button is just great."
Joanne Maples, UTMG - Ophthalmology, Tennessee
“pMD really is easy to use, which is awesome! It’s way easier than having to bill through an EMR and that is a great thing. I was even able to start using the app itself without much training!”
Kimberley Dubravski, PA, Suffolk Cardiac Care PLLC, NY
"I found the pMD app to be very easy to navigate. Adding and submitting my charges hasn't been easier!"
Dr. Philip Antiporta, Infectious Disease Doctors, PA, Texas
Infectious Disease
"pMD has been great, makes life so much easier. The Android app is much easier than the previous system on the computer."
Dr. Julio Salcedo, Capital Digestive Care, MD
"pMD is a very a nice app. It’s straightforward and easy to use. I really like that I can easily connect with my colleagues outside of the practice as well!"
Dr. Nasim Mcdermott, Digestive Associates, NV
"I’ve always gotten a prompt response when I reach out for help - the app is super easy and user friendly! The quick support is much appreciated."
Dr. Navjyot Bhogal, Nephrology Specialists, IN
"pMD is very, very easy! With little billing experience, I was dreading having to use a new complicated system, but pMD is really straightforward and user-friendly!"
Nicole Rauscher, Nurse Practitioner, Cardiovascular Consultants, Ltd., Arizona
"Since I started using pMD everything has been going great! Submitting my charges have never been easier. The trainer did an amazing job showing me the app, was very patient, and it was really easy to follow over the phone."
Dr. Siamac Salehy, Platinum Hospitalists, LLP, Nevada
Hospitalists/Internal Medicine