
The Power of Voice: Strengthening Communication in Health Care

Each word we speak drips with additional data beyond the dictionary definitions of what we say. In fact, how we say something is often more important than what was communicated. Tone, inflection, pitch, and pronunciation work together to deliver a message that makes up our distinct voices. To convey this same information in writing takes time - something health care providers are often short of.

Secure Calling with pMD App is Quick & Compliant

In many cases, a provider needs to send a colleague a quick message, but the act of typing out the message itself via text can take longer, especially with complex medical jargon, so providers may resort to voice-based communication. This motivation inspired us to add voice calling to the pMD application. Now, you can immediately get hold of your colleagues via HIPAA-compliant, secure voice calling, eliminating many of the barriers we see in strictly text-based communication. Even if you don’t have a colleague’s cell phone number, pMD community members can be contacted via a secure VoIP call.

But what if you know your colleague is in surgery or in front of a patient? That’s why we added voice memos to the pMD communication suite.

Add the Convenience of Sending Voice Memos

I like to think of voice memos as “guaranteed voicemail.” You save even more time by taking the perks of asynchronous communication found in text messaging and adding the benefits above of voice. When you’re on the go, you can shoot over a voice clip to any of your colleagues and when they are available to respond, they can send either voice or text - whichever is more convenient - back to you!

Keeping Provider Phone Numbers Private & Other Perks

In addition to these general benefits of voice, the voice features in pMD offer additional perks tailored to health care providers and staff. For example, providers can call patients without exposing their cell phone numbers or themselves to additional liability from a 2 am phone call. Patients reaching back out to a provider can be triaged and directed to the appropriate resources via pMD’s Contact Practice feature without disturbing off-duty providers or staff.

pMD Communication Tools Rapidly Breaks Down Barriers in Health Care

pMD’s suite of communication tools has rapidly broken down barriers in health care to make sure that urgent information can be relayed to those that need to know. With the addition of voice calling and voice memos, that suite now allows users to include all the nuance that hearing something spoken provides as well as the speed of communication that we’re accustomed to. Better communication tools break down barriers to effective care, making doctors, supporting staff, and their patients happy.

To find out more about pMD's suite of products, which includes our charge capture and MIPS registry, billing services, telehealth, and secure communication software and services, please contact pMD.

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