
Investing in Your People

At pMD, we love to promote our culture of teaching and learning, rather than singly focusing on getting the job done. It may seem obvious once discussed, but what I found lacking in past companies I've worked for is this emphasis of helping each individual build his or her own skills. From top down, pMD promotes a company culture of sharing knowledge, open communication, and career growth. We ask all our individual contributors to embrace this philosophy we call "Mentoring".


Mentoring is pMD's mission statement for success - both for the company as well as for each and every individual contributor. It is a fundamental driver of career growth for the entire team. Successful mentoring frees up time for the mentor to take on new and more high level items. Mentees, in turn, learn new skills and earn new ownership. This transition to having higher level responsibilities aims to allow each party to step up into another position, which will then open up space for a new hire. This process allows mentees to naturally progress as the next generation of mentors.

It Begins With Trust

Trust is a two-way street. At pMD, mentees earn trust by completing assigned tasks. Mentors earn trust by providing the necessary training and guidance for the mentee to succeed at these tasks. Tasks must start small, to minimize risk of failure, and as more trust is earned over time, additional responsibilities can be designated.

It Continues With Communication

Here at pMD, it is the responsibility of both parties to keep a line of communication open. Mentors provide clear expectations and share feedback on performance consistently, while mentees should always feel open to asking for this feedback. When something is not understood well, mentees have the responsibility to ask for more clarification. Once a mentee is ready for more challenges, they can and should feel open about communicating that. At pMD, the expectation is that both parties are proactive with communication in order for the relationship to succeed.

Our Priority

Mentoring is a mindset at pMD. It isn't a single task. It isn't a single action. With this always at the forefront of our minds, we will succeed as a company. Every single one of us here at pMD treats this as a priority and most importantly, we tackle mentoring with a positive attitude!

The idea of mentorship sounds obvious, doesn't it? It certainly does when I read it. But the fundamental difference that sets pMD apart from other companies is making it a priority. I joke with new recruits that a pMD hour is a day at another company, a pMD week is a month somewhere else, and a pMD month is like a year. I call this the "pMD rate of learning" that dwarfs all other companies. As I reflect on my own career, I'm grateful to see how much I've learned, struggled, and grew in my first two years at pMD as compared to everything I learned in almost a decade at my previous company. Want to become a part of pMD’s amazing team? Contact us at to find out more.

Find out more about pMD's suite of products, which includes our MIPS registry, charge capture, secure messaging, clinical communication, and care navigation software and services, please contact pMD.

To find out more about pMD's suite of products, which includes our charge capture and MIPS registry, billing services, telehealth, and secure communication software and services, please contact pMD.

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